Date: October 18,2010
Time: 4:30 am
Where: Heaven
Present: God
Good Morning. I have called you all together at this early hour to tell you that my Sparrow's beloved has just suffered a stroke. This has come as no surprise to Me. It has, however, shaken her immensely. It is not in My plan to heal him, for his time to come home to me is
drawing near.
The upcoming months will be most difficult for her and she will find her faith tested almost beyond measure. I, however, know she will remain faithful throughout the days ahead.
I set a plan in place several months ago to have her assigned to a position in the school directly across the street from the hospital. She will find herself working for a group of teachers who will be incredibly supportive, tolerating her ringing cell phone, last minute absences and her sometimes "foggy" days.
And, when it is time for him to leave the hospital after six weeks, I have arranged for there to be a room available at the best care center in the area. There, too, she will find a supportive and caring staff.
Although she will be greatly upset that he will need to be in a care center, it is My plan for him. There are many who will benefit from his presence there and his strong faith in Me. He will tell many about Me. In addition, I wish to have this time apart with him in order to prepare him to come home to Me.
Now for your assignments: Her safety while in her vehicle is crucial. There will be many late night and early morning trips. She will also be driving while in tears and in harsh winter weather to visit him each day. Her health is also very important. Stress will be her greatest enemy during this time.
Help will be needed to navigate through the mounds of government and insurance paperwork. Make the way easy for her when she shops for special clothing and shoes for him. I don't want her going endlessly from store to store. Protect her house from winter's storms and keep everything in proper working order. When a repair is necessary get it done quickly at minimal expense. There is a younger couple I have positioned in the house up the street who will be a great support to her, Keep an eye on them as well and let them know when it is time to check on her. As the months go on and she is becoming increasingly weary I will lead her to online friends. At various times these friends will need a "nudge" to send her a message with a butterfly. These beautiful creatures of Mine have always been her favorite and I want her to receive many of them. I will also arrange for the butterflies to appear in her life in many different forms - on shirts of strangers and flying across the hood of her car one particularly hard day.
Shortly after the second anniversary of her beloved's passing she will hit a very low point. She will find herself in a very dark place not understanding how she got there or why, This too is in My plan. At the urging of her physician and with My permission she will start medication to alleviate this darkness. In time she will come to see the light again and I will return her "words" to her.
That day will be October 18, 2013. On that day, three years into the future, she will sit at her keyboard and once again feel the joy and honor of sharing My words.
She will still not know what her future holds. But I know - and it is only good, as I have promised. For, as she relays how I have worked in her past, she will be reassured of how I will work in her future.
Ok, meeting dismissed. Now you know your assignments - get to work My angel armies!
And this my friends is what this verse means to me now: Psalm 91:11 For He will command His angels concerning you, to guard you in all your ways.
Be at peace this night dear ones, for He loves you so!