He watches over each of His sparrows. And He watches over me.

Monday, April 8, 2013


     A couple of weeks ago, at the end of one of those "sad" days as the sun was fading I felt a gentle "nudge" that seemed to say - "Take your camera and go outside - and look". Well, of course there was a bit of argument with that feeling - it was still bitterly cold here in the Midwest and winter coats were still required - in addition to the fact there were some pretty hefty winds blowing. However, I listened to the prompting and took my camera and went looking. I didn't really feel like it - it had been a difficult day - in fact it had been a difficult couple of weeks. I was tired. I was lonely. I was wondering. You know "those" feelings........

     With camera in hand I wandered around the yard - there were still patches of snow scattered about

     And lots of dreary brown

     But.....just a very few short feet away I found this.....

     The first sign of the crocus my beloved planted for me years ago.....

     And this..........

     The daffodils - planted also by my beloved - he knew how much I loved these first spring flowers.........

     And now today - still beset with the "wonderings" and the "waitings" so typical of this grief journey we are all on I once again received the gentle prompt to "take your camera and go outside" - and found this.........

     And this......

    And this........

     The crocus are blooming! I would have missed them if I had not listened to that gentle voice....

They are a gentle, lovely reminder of my beloved and his care for me ......

I truly don't remember seeing them last year or the year before that.. For  I was still in that place of snow covered patches and dreary brown ground and I could not see them through my tears and pain - but they were there and they rested again throughout the winters, waiting to bloom again for me to see. How wonderful is our God who gently guided me outside to make sure I saw them this year. And told me to take my camera so I could capture the pictures and share.

And He reminds me of His word in Isaiah 35 - The wasteland will rejoice and bloom with spring crocus.........

And it will - this wasteland of grief - it will rejoice and bloom with spring crocus......

There are still days of sorrow and dreary brown - but on those days I am reminded of the spring crocus - they always bloom - always.....

A constant reminder from a loving Father that seasons come and seasons go and there will always be a Spring after the Winter.........

Your Spring is coming - maybe not today - maybe not tomorrow - but IT IS COMING....just as surely as the crocus in my yard - your Spring is coming.

For one day you will hear a strange sound and realize that it is your laughter.

For one day you will feel a strangeness about your face and notice that you are smiling.

For one day you will go to the store and not have to buy multiple boxes of tissues.

For one day you will be able to start wearing regular mascara because you are not worried about those horrid black blotches caused by it running when you cry.

And one day dear one you will experience a "memory" from the past that will give you a soft, warm feeling instead of stabbing your heart.

Yes, dear one - your Spring is coming - God has promised it - it is written in His Word -

Be at peace tonight dear one - He is readying the crocus for you - and when it is time you will truly enjoy them.- for He loves you so..........