He watches over each of His sparrows. And He watches over me.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Something New!

     Well, of course, it's something new - it being the first day of the New Year and all ......

     But ......that's not what I'm talking about!

     I want to share something new I received from my daughter for Christmas this (whoops - last) year - however, first I have to tell you about the something new I received from her for my birthday in October.

     She blessed me with a digital camera! How excited I was when I opened that package - because, you see, this has been a desire of mine for a long time. There have been so many times I have seen things I wanted to capture - so many times I have wanted to share pictures of different things with my Facebook friends. And, of course, I have desired the freedom of posting my own pictures here without the worry about copyright issues. I have been able to put some pictures online through the complicated maneuver of sending it to a friend who then posted it on Facebook for me - then I could save the image to my computer - goodness - it got the job done - but how complicated!

     So, there I was with a long awaited dream come true - and what did I do? - left it in the box without using it because of my fear of new technology. Yep, I took one look at that instruction manual along with the cables and that little memory card thingy and all those buttons and froze. New electronic technology is not my thing - I am the lady who learned how to type and cut and paste newsletters the old way - typewriter, glue and scissors and a copy machine - and yes before that a mimeograph machine! Old "technology" I know - this new stuff - not so much. After all my first camera experience was the old "Brownie'' box camera - now that I knew - not this tiny little thing with buttons and zooms and replays and record and auto focus, and.......well, you get the picture (sorry, just had to do that)!

     So, then comes Christmas and our first snow and a cute adorable sleeping Isabelle kitty and so many picture opportunities left untaken because of my fear of the unknown - after all I convinced myself something would go wrong, I wouldn't be able to understand it, I would break something, etc, etc, etc. So many blog posts I could have done "if only I had the right picture".

     And then comes along the gift she gave me - one of such gentleness and tenderness and depth of maturity from her young 20 something heart - I just had to share it - but I didn't know how to use that camera - until today.....

     Today was the day - today was the day I stepped out of my comfort zone and into the unknown world of digital photography - and guess what - nothing blew up, nothing broke and I captured the image and actually got it transferred to my computer!!!

    So what is this "thing" that is so great - well, here it is....

     It's a solid wood heart that measures about 4 x 4 inches and is about 3/4 inch thick at it's center - and it is simply beautiful in it's simplicity.

  It's special you see because my beloved was a master woodworker and if he could have made this heart for me he would have.

    This is the message she wrote with it:

                   I saw this and immediately thought of you and Dad. I hope when you look at this, it reminds you of the love that the three of us shared and will continue to share forever. When you feel sad, just hold it.  It will make you feel better. I love you. (her name) and Dad.

     Of course there are tears - but there is also joy - and peace - a peace that comes from knowing he lives on through her and the love we shared - a peace that comes from knowing that God is always faithful, and a peace from knowing that stepping outside my comfort zone is a good thing - there's wonderful things out there beyond that comfort zone.

    I took just a small little step today - but there will be more - yes there will - for you see He is doing something new - every day - and He's walking right beside me with every step I take.

     And dear one He is beside you as well - I encourage you when He beckons gently to take that little step outside your comfort zone to be brave and take His hand - there's wonderful things out there in this "New" - I promise - when you are ready you will see.

    Be at peace tonight dear one - for He loves you so.








  1. I LOVE IT!!! and I'M SO VERY PROUD OF YOU! Way to go, Blessing! Thank you for spuring us all on and encouraging us to be brave! YOU DID GOOD! And so did your daughter!

  2. Beautifully said. Happy New Year, sweet lady.

  3. Such beautiful hearts - yours, your daughter's and the heart gift she gave you that was so very special because of your husband. Thanks fo sharing about doing new things. I think that is hard for all us widows, me included. Dean was never afraid like that. And if I did mess something up, he could fix it. btw, he also loved working with wood! Love you Linda Lint!

  4. The heart is beautiful and so glad the heart helped you to overcome your fear of the new camera.

  5. Thank you for the post. I'm glad to hear that you were able to step out of your comfort zone and tried something new. It encourages me. I know The Lord has new things for me. Fear and worry will try to keep me from trying new things and plans God has for me. I will continue to trust in my Savior and remember that He will hold my hand as I move forward. ((Hugs))

  6. A wonderful story. Very heartwarming.
