He watches over each of His sparrows. And He watches over me.

Saturday, May 31, 2014

A Book!

I am so excited and humbled to share this news!

The writing team at A Widow's Might has been working on gathering our blog posts into book form. The plan is to have four books - one for each yearly season.

The first edition of "For the Love of Her Life" is now available on Amazon!

It is an honor for me to be included within these pages.  We pray this collection of devotions will give hope and encouragement to our sister widows.

Please consider a purchase for yourself - or a sister widow - or one who you have yet to meet.

All proceeds from each sale go directly to ministry operating costs.

We have such EXCITING NEWS! Our very first DEVOTIONAL BOOK is now available for purchase. Please visit our website to get all the details and pray this is use...d by God to bless many. Thank you for your support and encouragement sisters.

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